My friend Ginni posted a link recently to a story about a mother's hug reviving one of her twin babies that had been pronounced dead. It was such a beautiful story. As I watched the video I was reminded that the incredible power of a mother's touch should not be underestimated.
Which is why I do what I do. As a midwife I have valued the importance of mommy and baby staying together and not separated after birth. Maybe it's because I myself was a preemie and at 2 1/4 lbs. only given a 50/50 chance of survival. Maybe, since my mother was not allowed to hold me, touch me or even SEE me during the time of my recovery that I feel such a profound sense of longing for mothers to be able to hold, touch, smell, stroke, nurture their babies DIRECTLY out of the womb.
It's only been recently that doctors have taken the time to recognize this profound and truly vital step in the birthing process. Indeed, many doctors and nurses on the delivery floor still do not. The first step for them is to put the baby in the warmer and begin to poke and prod them, sticking them with vaccine needles, roughing them up with abrasive cloths. Then whisk them away to the nursery for several hours of observation and more poking and prodding and roughing up, then to only ignore their cries for their mommy until "feeding" time. I've seen my share of hospital birth - it's not pleasant.
What is pleasant, what is so awesome, what is so amazing to witness, is to see a newly born baby
as he emerges from his mother's womb, going directly into the envelope of his mother's arms. Drawn up by her onto her chest into the very bosom that will feed him, protect him, warm him for the next several months of his new life. Words cannot describe what it means to me. Think about what it must mean to the baby. For 9 months, this baby has been in a state of constant bliss, not knowing hunger, not knowing cold, not knowing rough handling. What better transition for him, but to be drawn to his mother immediately upon entry into this world, to be able to continue to feel his mother's touch, taste her, smell her. Think of it.
The mother/baby dyad is that powerful. A mother's love is undeniable and truly irreplaceable.
To view the video: Mom's Hug Revives Baby Pronounced Dead
See more about Kangaroo Mother Care
That was truly beautiful Salli. I appreciate all you do as a midwife to keep moms and babies together.
Thank you so much for your kind comments Lisa. You are the example to me of a sweet caring mama. I've loved watching you with your children over the years. I hope you have a very happy Mother's Day! Love you!
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