My First Home Water Birth

In honor of my midwife Salli Gonzalez who assisted me in my life altering experience we named our son after her son Gabriel Alejandro. I also want to mention that childbirth is NOT the most painful experience. Well at least not for me. It was painful yes but it was so much more than that. It was the most intense feeling ever but I wouldn't call it painful. I honestly was shocked the pain didn't get worse. It was like period cramps and as long as you followed your body's cues it goes so smoothly. At first I was fighting my body. I was tightening and was afraid to push. Then with much reassurance from my wonderful midwife I was finally able to push. I wish I could explain how it felt. I have no words for the sensations. But painful wouldn't be one of them. The only pain I felt was a cold ache. My mind and body was in a completely different place. It was the most life altering experience I have ever had. I never thought I could do that. I was going to wimp out and head to the hospital but after reassurance from my wonderful friend Melissa Sheree I sucked it up and called my midwife instead of running scared. I was scared because I thought the pain would get worse. It never did. I started contracting at 8:12am and I just knew I was in labor. I don't know how I knew but I did. My whole body was telling me it was time. I called my doula, midwife, and mother in law and said I am 1000% sure I'm in labor. Now I know what they mean when they say you will just know you're in labor. By the time my midwife got there I was already 9 cen and I was so proud of myself. We got into the birth tub and I was scared of pushing because I thought I would poop. So I was just giving tiny pushes. Again my wonderful midwife and doula reassured me that I would not poop and to follow through with the sensation. I finally did and that's when everything went to the next level. When I was pushing I felt no pain. I wasn't seeing anything in front of me. I was visualizing my son coming down and out. My mind and body were completely on their own. They were doing what they knew to do and I had no control. I gave up the control and they took over. It was completely amazing. My water never broke. It didn't break until he came out. He came out in one push. He came out so fast that my midwife and hubby tried to catch him but they missed him. He floated up between my legs and I pulled him to my chest. He was born at 12:23pm weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces and is 20 inches long. I have never felt such powerful emotions at once. Relief, joy, pride, and everything together. I wanted to cry. Would I do it again? I think I might. It was so empowering. I never knew I could do it. Now I see myself in a whole new light. I don't mean to sound big headed but I am still in shock that I did it myself. I never had a bloody show or water breaking to tell me labor was upcoming. I will try to upload pictures as soon as possible. Hubby used the digital camera and it won't let me transfer them to the computer without erasing them all. Thank you for all the support and congratulations. I have such a wonderful group of friends. We are doing wonderful and he is a great breastfeeder.
Thank you for having written this. That’s the most cool article I have found on this topic.
I loved reading your birth story! I too had a water birth and am always happy to read birth stories from other women who had Salli as their midwife! I thought that empowering feeling only came after the first baby, but I found out that I felt that it comes after each child, and I have 3. Hopefully the next time (and I'm sure there will be a next time) we have a baby, we will have a waterbirth at home!
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